
Welcome to your English Level Test - Studenti Campanella

Is it your room?

……… in the USA?

We live in Paris. …... house is very big.

He ……….. a mobile phone

My favourite actors are Russell Crowe and Brad Pitt but Joe doesn't like ………. at all.

There aren't ………cars parked here today.

He ……….. to the cinema tonight.

There ……….. a lot of people in the shopping centre this morning.

Where …... that beautiful brown coat?

Joe: "……. do you see your parents?" Mary: "Once a week. On Saturdays"

Sorry, you can't speak to him. He …… a shower at the moment.

They haven't got ……money.

Where would you like ………for your holidays?

She…… to the park last Saturday.

Where's Alan? He ……over there waiting for the bus.

Mountain climbing is one of …… sports in the world.

When …… to the dentist? I went yesterday for a check-up.

The phone's ringing. - …… it!

He ……while he …… the chimney

She's lived in London …… eleven months

Let's go out. There are ……people in this place

I don't know why he didn't come to the meeting. He …… an invitation like everyone else.

If you …… they, …… them that we’ve gone ahead?

They usually …… at home but today they ……lunch in a restaurant.

I don't like tea ……coffee.

I knew I …… him before but I just couldn’t remember it’s name.

You ……open the door before the train stops.

I …… alone at night if I …… you.

When Madonna arrived, a crowd …… for hours to see her

When she …… tell her to come and see me in my office.

It's the best film I ………

I haven't seen him since 2001. I wonder ……

He …… tired. Has he been working hard?

Your shoes are full of dirt. What ………?

I'm not sure but I ……go to Paris next week.

She …… by a very famous interior designer.

If you …… more careful, the accident ……

He can't get used …… in a big city

…………. car is this? - It's my car.

You're very close to Mary, aren't you? How long …… her?

The roof ……, there's a big hole in it.

Her car …… on the way to work and she had to call for help.

It's much too expensive. We can't possibly …… it.

Now he wishes he …… down the great opportunity that he was given.

That fish smells disgusting. It's gone ……

It's about time he …… a place of his own.

Despite ……, he is capable of living on his own.

You …… Karen yesterday. She left for the USA two days ago and won’t be coming back for three months.

He accused her ……his money.

Unless he …… his report, he'll end up loosing his job.

I'd rather you …… at all. Smoke is very bad for you.

At this rate, he'll be a millionaire by the time he …… thirty.

She …… her husband's job for his ill health.

Just think, this time next week we…… on a sunny beach in the Maldives.

It's years …… a good holiday.

No sooner …… in than she started hugging and kissing him.

Were you …… the lottery, what would you do with all the money?

He was slow to catch …… but, when he did, he just went on laughing for ten minutes.

I supposed, as …… we all, that the party would be postponed to another day.

I think he's …… for the same trick that I did.

We’ll have to change roads. The main motorway ……………… today

………………, she’s never really happy about anything.

Did you manage ……………… in the end?

I ……………… his wife had run off with his business partner! I really put my foot in it by asking where she was.

She used so much jargon that I hadn’t a ……………… what she was talking about.

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